The Great Book Giveaway with RJ Silver!
I am really excited about this special event we're calling The Great Book Giveaway! Today, I have guest RJ Silver with me. RJ is a former thriller writer who fell in love and changed life paths. He now writes lighthearted humor and romance in an effort to add something positive to the world.
To that end, he's here today giving away 2 free books -- to EVERYONE! By downloading his books and telling others about them (provided you like them, of course) you'll be drawing attention to his Foundation for underprivilidged children of Asia.
Many of you have heard or even read The Princess and the Penis (P&P). Tremendously popular on Amazon, P&P was downloaded over 400,000 times in just 8 months. Today, RJ is giving it, and another of his books, away free. Nothing to sign up for. Nothing to fill out. Absolutely no strings. Do a good deed for charity and get a gift in the process. A true win-win!
You can tell when I'm excited about something--I talk a lot! I guess I'll let RJ have a turn...*zipping mouth* *ushering RJ to the stage*
I spent most of my life being selfish, in love as well as my quest for fame and fortune as a writer.
Fittingly, I never found either.
Then I started travelling Asia and witnessed something I couldn’t accept: children without hope or opportunity. Children who, unlike me, wouldn’t get a fair chance in life.
In the midst of this discovery, I also met an extraordinary woman, one who had been one of those hopeless children at one time in her life, but who, through incredible strength and determination, managed to put herself through school, obtain two university degrees, and emerge from her poverty to become a teacher herself.
That’s the moment my selfish pretensions finally fell away, I fell in love, and I immediately threw away my supposedly promising career as a thriller writer to write quirky romantic stories of love, hope, and humor instead.
That was one year ago. Recently, one of my books, The Princess & the Penis, hit # 2 humor, # 5 Romance, and # 25 overall at Amazon.
Now I’m trying to use this success to pull off something far more worthwhile: the creation of a foundation to help underprivileged children in Southeast Asia get out of bad situations and into good homes that provide love, care, and a proper education. You can read more about this cause at , but sometimes a picture’s worth a thousand words:
That’s me – the little green alien, because personal recognition/achievement no longer matters to me. It’s the cause that counts.
And here’s the really good part—not only can you help a child in need without shelling out a cent, you get a gift in the process. This is a win-win! Simply utilize the FREE coupon codes listed below to download two of my very popular books!
Both can be downloaded in any format you wish, using the links and coupons shown. Even better, these links/coupons can be shared with your family, friends, and anyone else you like. They’re unlimited until they expire on November 10, 2011.
How does having you read these books help my cause? When people read these books, they tell others – lots of them. In its first free release, The Princess & the Penis was downloaded 400,000 times. The exposure from the books in turn brings exposure to the Foundation and the sales of the books after the free period ends ultimately funds the Foundation.
That’s it! Simply read the books (they’re only about 30 to 40 minutes each), and, if you like them, tell others about them via email, Twitter, etc. That word of mouth will go a long way to helping me achieve the momentum I need to get the Foundation moving.
So don’t wait! Help a child and grab a great read now!

Coupon: EJ89K

Coupon: NT26P
If you’re feeling truly inspired and want to take the next step in helping a needy child, you can write a review on whichever platform you typically buy your books (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.), because our success is truly all about you telling others.
Wait! There are more prizes!!
BONUS: Share your review here and WIN! We’ll be thanking the first 10 reviewers with a free t-shirt, and the next 10 with a free coffee mug, both with the Foundation logo. All t-shirts and mugs will be shipped free of charge from Zazzle.
Everyone who posts a review here may request a free custom handmade bookmark from Joan...examples shown in prior blog posts...with the Foundation logo.
Thanks for your support. Here’s hoping we’ll soon be laughing our way to good deeds!
RJ Silver
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RJ on Goodreads
Contact RJ
I stumbled upon RJ Silver's short story, The Princess & the Penis, while browsing free ebooks several months ago and am so glad I did! It was a hilarious and fast read that managed to be sweet and endearing throughout its short duration.
After finishing the first book I immediately did an author search and downloaded his only other (at the time) story, The Ballerina, the Gymnast, & the Yoga Master. I was not disappointed; this story was amusing and sweet as well. It inspired me to follow his blog in order to enjoy his wit in occasional posts between stories. While I have not yet had time to sit down and read his newest creation, My Third-World Girlfriend, I am eagerly awaiting it because I know it will be filled with the charming humor and sweet intentions of its predecessors.
RJ Silver is a talented writer whose stories play with crude humor while somehow managing to not be crude themselves. I am happy to have found his first short story as, with it, I found a new favorite author.
I enjoyed the story this morning. Gave me just the push I needed to meet Wednesday head on. Well... that and the second cup of coffee.
Smashwords is being a little glitchy, so will not let me log in to leave a review. Amazon did though...
I will put the same in Smashwords once I can log in. And I'm going to try and read My Third World Girlfriend over lunch today.
Great opportunity! I hope I can get the books read and reviewed quickly! I will surely try! Funny thing is that I have them both already, but haven't had a chance to read them! Looks like I need to make that happen NOW! :) Thanks Joan!
BookPaige, Great comments! Thanks for sharing. I loved P&P. Haven't had a chance to read the others yet. RJ is a fantastic guy! So happy to share this opportunity to give his books away while helping others.
Hey Joe! Thanks for reading and posting the review. We'll be collecting names and contacting you for sizes and shipping addresses! Appreciate your participation!
Hey Kendra! You'd look awfully cute in one of those t-shirts!! :) And I know you're a sucker for a bookmark!! Go girl, go!
Hi Bookpaige,
Thanks for your wonderful comments. Those are the exact sentiments/emotions I set out to achieve with my readers, so it's nice to know I'm hitting the mark. I love the idea of making people smile or laugh, maybe touching on a few important sentiments along the way, and, in the very least, causing no harm. I hope you win one of the shirts or mugs!
RJ Silver
Hi Zombie Joe,
Thanks for the nice review over at Amazon. Glad the story gave you a chuckle with your coffee, too. Let me know what you think of poor Gerry in My Third-World Girlfriend!
RJ Silver
Hi Kendra,
From your blog profile: "I am a wife and mother living in Arizona. I teach 4 of my 6 kids from home and believe it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made." You are exactly my desired type of reader, someone who loves good books, a little romance (and hopefully a little humor), but who is also a person of substance/values, especially when it comes to children.
RJ Silver
I read a post on Twitter about The Princess and The Penis. I thought it would be a cute read, so I downloaded it from Amazon. The Princess and the Penis turned out to be quite a humorous read! I couldn't help but laugh at the naivete of the princess and her father's refusal to have "the talk". My favorite part is the princess's description of what was in her bed and how she deals with this mysterious object. I can clearly picture the faces of her parents and aunts as she relates her experiences. I can't help but giggle even now as I think about it. I definitely recommend reading The Princess and The Penis!
My favorite part were the two aunts! They were freaking hilarious! Oh, and the town names. The whole tongue-in-cheek thing was great!
Glad you enjoyed.
To be honest, the strength of the reaction to the names Prince Longwood and the Kingdom of Shlongdia was one of the things that surprised me about this story. I was just being my immature self and wasn't sure if anyone would notice!
Thanks Joan! I'll give it my best!
Wow! RJ - thanks so much for the recognition. I'd like to think I have the qualities you mentioned. Although my romance (or smut craving) may not fall well under "values". I know I have humor down or my husband would never have made it this far. *snort* It's amazing what a sense of humor can get you through in life. :) LOL
And I am starting both books tonight. Hopefully I will be able to get the kids in bed and get them done in the next couple days. :) I look forward to the reads!
Whee! I finished P&P and the review. I will be posting on my blog (with links to FB & Twitter) as well as Amazon, Smashmouth, Goodreads, LibraryThing, B&N, and Shelfari.
I hope to have the second story completed and reviewed by tomorrow!
Here is the link to the P&P review:
And thanks so much RJ for such a fun and snarky read!
PS - Joan, you KNOW I want a bookmark. I would be a fool not to request one. :) I also linked to your blog at the end of the review. Hope you don't mind.
Hi Kendra,
Glad you enjoyed the book and thanks for the great review. Remember, you also qualify for a free shirt or mug!
Wow! I just followed the k=link and downloaded these ebooks, not just because I love free ebooks 9which I do, by the way) but because the titles intrigued me. Just got my copies and I hope to sit down and read them soon. Thank you so much:)
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