Joyce Lamb Talks About TRUE SHOT on Release Day!! Whoo-hoo!!
First off -- SPANKALICIOUS release day Joyce!! True Shot releases today from Berkeley Sensation! Head out and get your copy today!! (Buy links below book description.)
Joyce and I met through common author friends and I've always enjoyed Joyce's bubbling spirit, positive personality and amazing drive! She's the Energizer Bunny on steroids!
(Yes, that is green you see glowing in my eyes. What? Didn't I mention I demon-shift when I'm jealous? That is Elisabeth's fault...but we're not going there. This is JOYCE's day!)
Joyce is giving away a copy of TRUE SHOT, TRUE COLORS, TRUE VISION
and five custom handmade bookmarks today, so comment to win!
and five custom handmade bookmarks today, so comment to win!
Special FBI operative Samantha Trudeau's unique psychic abilities help her catch the most elusive criminals. They also put her in the path of a sadistic adversary when she discovers she's actually working for a rogue cell-and into the confidence of a handsome journalist with his own potentially dangerous secrets.
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Joyce, how do you develop your plots and characters? Do you use any set formula?
Hi, Joan! Thanks a bunch for having me today!
As for how I develop my plots and characters: I pretty much start with a "what if?" question (every writer's favorite question!). What if a female government spy and a sweet but hunky civilian ended up on the run together? What if the spy somehow lost her memory and it was up to the untrained civilian to get her to safety while holding off some unrelenting bad guys? Then I build from there.
The characters most often come from the plot -- how would a certain kind of character respond in my "what if?" scenario. Of course, once I start writing, the characters become fully formed and start messing with all my plans. Grrr. While that can be frustrating, it's mostly just really cool, because that means the characters are three-dimensional enough to exert their influence on the story. And, oh my, does that sound completely crazy?
How would you best describe your books?

What would you write if you could write anything you wanted to write?
I would write exactly what I'm writing. I love romantic suspense, and adding the paranormal psychic angle opened up a new world where I make the rules -- or subvert them if I want to. Though I will admit that it's crossed my mind that I would love to write for television. In fact, if I got to choose, I'd love to write for The Good Wife. Such a great show!
What do you most like about writing? Least like?
What I most like is the therapy. Go ahead and laugh. But, seriously, if I didn't write stories where the bad guy gets what's coming to him and the good guys win and the important people live happily ever after, I'd be spending a boatload of cash on therapy. I worked out some major frustration with my "day job" as a journalist through the first True, True Vision. In that, Charlie (the heroine) fights her newspaper's tendency to look past the misdeeds of a big advertiser in order to protect revenue. Her actions aren't without consequences, but the therapeutic part for me is that I got to spout my opinion about the role of newspapers in keeping the Powers That Be honest. Media in general doesn't do that all that well anymore, and as someone who's dedicated her life to seeking out the truth … well, it's frustrating. So that side of Charlie most definitely represents a part of me that has needed to work out some issues.
What I least like about writing: The time I spend holed up by myself, falling behind on what's going on with my family and friends. Writing is rewarding, but it's a solitary activity, and since I have a day job, I have to use much of the time I'd have for a social life glued to my laptop.
What dreams have been realized as a result of your writing?
Just this past weekend, I did a booksigning with Nora Roberts. It was awesome! Not just because I was sitting a few feet away from Nora Roberts, though that was pretty cool, but because I also was in the midst of a couple of hundred devoted romance novel fans. It was truly inspiring seeing their enthusiasm for Nora and her books. And, heck, when it turned out a couple of them were there to see me, well, that was amazing.
Which is your favorite of the books you have written?
Most definitely True Shot. It's fast-paced, has lots of action and the hero, Mac, is to die for. I flipped the hero and heroine in this one, so the hero (Mac) is the somewhat naïve civilian and the heroine (Sam) is the kick-butt government spy. But even though she's endlessly competent and can handle a gun, she still ends up needing him to help her. I love it when super-strong characters have to admit they need assistance -- and I love it in True Shot when mostly passive Mac gets majorly alpha when Sam is threatened.
What would you say is your biggest writing quirk?
My biggest quirk is probably … in order to write the super hot love scenes that I write, I sometimes need a glass of wine first. I definitely need to get loosened up before I can get down and … dirty.

Sleep. : ) I'm also hopelessly devoted to my TV. I'm constantly on the lookout for a show that surprises me, like Buffy the Vampire Slayer did back when it was on. Right now, I think that show is Revenge. The multilayered characters and twisty-turny plot keep me guessing -- which is tough to do to a writer. I'm the one who leans over in the movie theater and tells the friend next to me what's going to happen next. That usually earns me a punch in the arm, but I just can't help myself. I see stuff coming! But TV shows that keep me guessing rock my world: Right now, those would be The Good Wife, Justified, Haven and The Closer. I haven't checked out Once Upon a Time yet, but I've heard good things about it.
What are your current projects?
One of my current projects is True Shot, which comes out today. It's the third in my True trilogy (True-logy!) about three sisters with unique psychic abilities. True Shot is Sam's story, who ran away from home at 18 and got into some La Femme Nikita-like trouble that landed her in a secret government agency as a psychic spy. She's always wanted to go home, to go back to her family, but she can't without endangering the people she loves. When she learns the government agency she works for has gone rogue, she flees. Enter Mac, a journalist on vacation trying to get his head together after some bad stuff happened to him. He runs into Sam when she's at her most vulnerable and in desperate need of help. Being the good guy he is, he goes above and beyond to help her out, which just leads to more trouble for them both.
I love these two together -- Mac is funny and sarcastic, while Sam is deadly serious. Even when the stakes are at their highest, Mac is dealing with the situation with humor -- because that's the only weapon he knows how to use. Mac and Sam are the perfect foils for each other.

Where can we find you online?
You can find info about my books and me at I certainly wouldn't be offended if you wanted to "like" me on Facebook, at And you can follow me on Twitter: @JoyceLamb.
Thanks so much for having me, Joan! And I can't WAIT for Fever to come out!
Joyce is giving away a copy of TRUE SHOT, TRUE COLORS, TRUE VISION
and five custom handmade bookmarks today!
and five custom handmade bookmarks today!
Tell us, is there a TV show that constantly surprises you?
Give your opinion to enter the giveaway + lots of other options below!

Her second novel, Caught in the Act (now available as a 99-cent e-book), was a 2004 RITA finalist in the romantic suspense category. Nora Roberts won that year. It was truly an honor just to be nominated!
True Vision, the first in her True trilogy, won a Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in single title romantic suspense from the Kiss of Death chapter of RWA. True Vision was also awarded the HOLT Medallion for Best Book by a Virginia Author from the Virginia Romance Writers.
Besides writing, she loves to play tennis and board games and hang out with friends. Her guilty pleasures include The Real Housewives of New York, Project Runway and So You Think You Can Dance. She doesn't have time to be ashamed.
*Waves at Joyce * Seen this book during Cynthia Eden's bash. If memory serves me it was described as a mesh of Suspense and Paranormal?
TV - You should totally check out Ghost Adventures. Okay, I think the lead investigator has a hot bod. I heard Being Human is coming back. The Walking Dead's not that bad
Hi, Joan!
Thanks again for having me! You ROCK!!! (You can tell how much I mean that by how many exclamation points I used.)
Hi, Raonaid!
Yep, True Shot is a mesh of suspense and paranormal -- two of my favorite things. Was so fun to write!
I've been meaning to check out The Walking Dead but can't quite get over the yuck factor. One of these days I'll get over it. : )
Thanks for stopping by!
Hey Joyce,
I'm not much for TV, even less for reality TV, but I do have a few favorites -- Criminal Minds, Law & Order SVU, The Closer. I also love funny...but not stupid funny, so I haven't found anything that calls to me.
Oh, jeez...I for got I have your other books to give away!!!! What a dork...have to go change the post and giveaways...dork, dork, dork...
Joyce - I'm not one for the yuck factor either. I never seen the first season. The only reason I watched the second - my son got into it because his dad "had" to have it dvred.
I usually don't get the tv. Hubby is a bad hog or my boys. It's why I have earbuds in my ears. I can take so much spongebob.
I have to agree with Joan on Criminal Minds. Mmm, yummny. Though I do like NCIS (gotta like the gothy Aby), Bones. We got into watching Grimm. I like Rizzoli and Isles (really into the Crime Shows for some odd reason!)
Hi, Joan!
Heee, I didn't even notice on the giveaway. My head is so loopy today -- this is the day all three of my jobs collide. Eek! So, no "dork dork dork" required. : )
Hi, Raonaid!
I kinda like the crime shows, too. Castle is one of my guilty pleasures right now. First off, LOVE Nathan Fillion. Second, the relationship between Castle and Beckett is pretty entertaining. I even really enjoy the secondary characters.
And I'm sooooo going to miss The Closer when it's done, though the spinoff they're setting up with Mary McDonnell looks like it could be well worth checking out.
See ya!
The Amazing Race always surprises me just because they are always traveling and learning how about the culture of each place they visit. Cold Case isn't on anymore :( but that was a show that surprised and intrigued me.
Happy release to True Shot!
I hope you had a great release day!
I can't handle the yuck factor of zombie shows either! I do love the mixture of suspense and paranormal, though.
I can't think of a tv show that consistently surprises me. I like Bones, and I was definitely surprised by this season's story arc, so I guess that counts!
Happy Release Day, Joyce. I love 30 Rock and I guess I'm surprised how they can continue to be so funny with its intelligent writing and topical humor.
Your series sounds great! I love reading books with strong character development and it appears your trilogy will not disappoint me.
Castle is one of my favorite TV shows. I love the chemistry between Castle and Beckett. They sound like a married couple at times with their bickering and jabs but at the same time the subtle looks they give each other are priceless!
Happy Holidays! Happy Writing!
Loraine Hunziker
This sounds like an interesting series; thanks for the giveaway.
I found Haven in the last year and really like it. Have you ever watched Supernatural? Great characters that can also be laugh out loud funny and sarcastic.
Love Haven, have seen a couple of episodes of Grimm and like that as well and Once Upon A Time is pretty good (the hot sheriff is better than pretty good!).
As for a show that constantly surprises me, Vampire Diaries has me gasping constantly with some of the stuff they do to characters, it's a great show!
Believe it or not, I don't really watch too much TV. I can usually be found with my head in my Kindle. When I do watch, it's usually football on Sunday. I am interested in reading this series. Thanks.
Happy Release Day. As far as the tv show, I really don't watch much tv. Especially now that I'm back in school. If I do have free time, I usually spend it reading books!
Hi, Na!
Ohhhhh, I used to watch The Amazing Race all the time -- I love Phil!! I didn't get to watch it this season, tho. My life was already too frantic and AR always gets me all hyped up on adrenaline!
Thanks for saying hi!
Hi, Ann Lorz!
I had a very nice release day, thanks! It was crazy busy and fun. I should have taken the day off of my "day job," but I couldn't. So just juggled a lot. : )
Thanks for saying hi!
Hi, Rebe!
Funny that you like Bones -- talk about yuck factor!!! It always seems like I'm eating something when I watch that show. Ack. This season surprised me, too.
Thanks for stopping in!
Hi, Jane!
Oh, I love 30 Rock, too! My favorite episode was when Liz was launching a talk show and they were filming in high-def. When Kenneth walked by and he looked like a muppet on the HDTV -- OMG, that still cracks me up!
Thanks for commenting!
Hi, Loraine!
Remember last season's kiss on Castle? Wow, that still makes my heart pound. It was so HOT. I want that. : )
Happy holidays to you, too!
Hi, Cheryl!
I actually have Supernatural on my Netflix list. I remember wanting to watch it when it first started but it conflicted with something else. Now I feel so far behind! Hopefully, some day.
Thanks for the tip!
Hi, Kristin!
Oh, I've heard Vampire Diaries is good. It's also on my "to check out" list. Every time I see ads for it, it looks really well done and intriguing. Thanks for the tip! (Oh, and now that I know about the hot sheriff, I'm moving Once Upon a Time up the priority list on my DVR!)
Hi, Sheryl!
Authors love people like you!! : ) Feel free to leave the TV off and the Kindle on. : )
Thanks for commenting!
Hi, Linda!
One of the things I love about watching TV is the ability to just sit there and let my eyes relax. I spend way too much time on computers, between my day job and my writing. So TV is an excuse to be lazy! : )
Happy reading!
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